Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I have been out wandering...
I heard the call of quiet,
of sun warmed rock and cool shade,
of softly moving leaves and the sharp glint of sun
on hidden creeks.
I heard the call of birds
of soft spring earth, new life, new sun.
I have been out wandering...


Thursday, May 10, 2012


Beautiful ! Our garden is full of surprises this year. The yard was neglected for years, and as I go thru and dig everything out the plants are so relieved, and start growing again. Love it !

Monday, May 7, 2012

Mmmm, tonight we enjoyed handmade pizza with fresh spinach from the garden. We love the Artisan Pizza in 5 minutes a Day recipe.  The key is to pre-bake the crust a little. I do feel a little guilty though, I went off the vegetarian bandwagon and ate sausage on mine. Oh well! 
Ahhhh! What is that!?! I am being invaded!

Friday, May 4, 2012

My bed of shame! I added way way too much manure to this bed, and nothing grew. Shame on me! Now to go buy some dirt...
 My Husband built me an elaborate tomato trellis, complete with built-in sprinklers! He was building the trellis with PVC piping, a great inexpensive material, and he thought to himself, why not add water?
I hope this works out, the idea is we are going to force the tomatoes on to the grid of the piping, and hopefully be able to gather the fruits from underneath.
This raises the most important question of our generation, 'why can we send a man to the moon but not build an tomato cage that works?'. Hahahaha!
So here are my little plants all ready to grow. Soon they will be monsters and I will wonder, 'why did I ever think they were small?'

This year i planted Brandywine, Roma, Viva Italia (a type of Roma), and two experiments, Sweet Million, a cherry tomato, and Moscow, a variety that I keep seeing in the nursery.

By the way, can you see my honeysuckle in the background? Its a beautiful variety called Pink Lemonade, the blossoms are yellow and pink. Its so beautiful and it smells divine!